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Distributive Justice in the Economic Systems, Which is More

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Pridružen/-a: 20.04. 2022, 22:26
Prispevkov: 12

PrispevekObjavljeno: 20 Apr 2022 22:45    Naslov sporočila: Distributive Justice in the Economic Systems, Which is More Odgovori s citatom

Distributive justice is one of the economic goals that societies strive to achieve, and it is an essential component of economic systems

Economic growth and economic efficiency are linked to distributive justice, because of its effects on ethical, social, and economic aspects of society in general, and ignoring the issue of distributive justice will disrupt economic efficiency and development.
Distributive Justice in the Economic Systems, Which is More

Different economic systems have differing views on the process of income distribution, and this is due to the different intellectual, ideological, and theoretical foundations on which each of these economic systems is built, whether it’s the Islamic economy, capitalism, or socialist economics.

We’ll show ways economic systems have achieved distributive justice in this article.
source: Theboomoney
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