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how to grow instagram without hashtags

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PrispevekObjavljeno: 10 Maj 2022 14:13    Naslov sporočila: how to grow instagram without hashtags Odgovori s citatom

how to grow instagram without hashtags, Besides posting high-quality content, writing captivating captions, and using appropriate hashtags, there are seven other things you can do to improve engagement.

Her customers are on Instagram, but they aren't using community hashtags because they are on Instagram to share content with friends and family. One of my friends runs an online shop, and she knows that her customers are on Instagram. She doesn't have time to sift through the billions of posts under #love to find some customers who might be interested in her gorgeous homeware.

As a small business owner, I am sure you are in the same boat as I am.

Seven different ways to reach your target audience…

1. Find new accounts via those who have already engaged with your posts
In spite of reaching 700 million users (1 billion as of December 2018), it's easy to end up cycling around the same group of people on Instagram, and it can be challenging to break out of the same group. Using the six-degrees-of-separation theory, you're closer to your followers than you think; you should engage them.

"Six degrees of separation describes the idea that everything living and everything else in the world is only six steps or less from each other, so that links between any two people can be made within six steps."

According to Wikipedia

Check out the people who liked/engaged with your most recent post. Don't forget to show some love back to those people to keep them engaged and coming back for more, as well as looking at who has engaged with their posts. There will almost certainly be new accounts that you don't follow or follow that don't follow you, as well as a cross-over of users that you're already familiar with. Take a look at each of the accounts, and if they seem to fit your target audience, show them some love. You shouldn't look at their follower list as they may have some spam and bots following them; it's better to look at the comments as you can tell if there is a real interaction.

2. Find new accounts by reviewing your competitors’ engagement
Do the same with your competitors or accounts with similar customers, as again, these people are interacting with the content of these brands, so they may well be interested in yours as well.
how to grow instagram without hashtags
source: boostysmmpanel
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